We, Israelis , like to spend our vacations in Turkey: we're very loyal tourists in this country- and perhaps it's time to change our priorities.
The Turkish prime minister mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a fanatical Muslim who wants to go back in time and turn Turkey into a dark middle aged country, now makes special efforts to denounce Israel . at the same time, he tries to compel conservative rules in his modern country. A country which was led by the vision of Atta Turk, who imposed western standards in Turkey at the beginning of the twentieth century.
I fear Turk is now rolling over in his grave, to see Erdogan destroys each hint of occidental lifestyle in his land.
Turk. A great and admired leader may now overlook his beloved land, becoming more and more extremist – laying foundations towords a declaration that women ought to cover and hide behind a veil.
As to Israel, we now hear that Turkish national TV net, started screening a drama series, presenting Israeli soldiers as cold blood murderers of babies and children.
No wonder, of course, that it's all done under the patronage of prime minister Erdogan, who refused Israeli air force participating in an international military maneuver in turkey: a NATO war-games exercise, code-named Anatolian Eagle.
A decision which led the U.S. and Italy to pull out as well.
This, as well as spreading lies about Israeli army and a consistent policy of inciting against Israel, are a very good reason for us to stop using the Turkish touristic option.
If we'll decide to examine the actions and remarks made by Erdogan, we're going to find a dangerous system in there: we're going to find out that there's a method behind it:
Last December Turkey condemned Israel's incursion into the Gaza Strip. In January, Erdogan accused president shimon peres, at a conference in Davos, Switzerland, of "murdering children on beaches" .
It's quite clear where Erdogan is looking:
Syria and Iran.
Therefor, he does not think twice when he tells students that: "the Jews invent things and then sit back and make money off those inventions."
So, let's invent a way to tell him what we really think of him and his regime.
thanks for sharing such a amazing post, the change is looking little bit not fair...
I agree with you, too bad not everybody does
Thanks for this fabulous information. This really helps, i've been looking for this kind of info hub on this issue for a long time now and for sure this one is great.
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